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Umhlanga Holiday Confirmed

Umhlanga Holiday Confirmed

LUDZIDZINI - Its time for Imbali to dust their sneakers and prepare for this years Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony as the King has spoken.

His Majesty King Mswati III has summoned Imbali from the four regions of the country to Ludzidzini Royal Residence for the annual cultural event. Through Inkhosatana yeMbali Princess Sakhizwe, the King said Imbali would be expected at the royal residence on August 29, 2023 for registration. Princess Sakhizwe said the maidens would proceed to Ngabezweni Royal Residence, where they would be commissioned to fetch the reed in places that are yet to be announced by the King on August 30, 2023. She said on August 31, 2023, Imbali would proceed to the swamps to fetch the reed. On September 1, 2023, she said the maidens would bring the reed from their various places to Ludzidzini Royal Residence.


She said on September 2, 2023, the maidens would take a rest at Ludzidizni Royal Residence in readiness to deliver the reed on September 3, 2023. September 4, 2023, has been scheduled for the main dance. The princess stated that Imbali would remain for the upcoming Kings birthday Independence Day celebrations. Umhlanga is one of Eswatinis cultures aimed at encouraging the girl child to preserve her virginity until marriage. The event affords the maidens an opportunity to showcase their chastity before Their Majesties and the entire world.

Chiefs were also warned against releasing very young children due to scarcity of the reed at the nearby places. This, the princess said, was because the very young children would not be able to travel to the far places. The chiefs were warned to ensure that their subjects did not harm the regiment in any way. "Chiefs will be held liable for any subject who might harm the regiment. Men are aware that they will sleep separately from the maidens," she said.

Sequence of this years Umhlanga Reed Dance Ceremony: August 29, 2023: Registration August 30, 2023: Commissioning September 1, 2023: Fetching of the reed September 2, 2023: Reed brought back to Ludzidzini Royal Residence September 3, 2023: Delivery of the reed at Ludzidzini Royal Residence September 4, 2023: Umhlanga holiday

Elections, voters registration bills passed into law

Elections, voters registration bills passed into law

MBABANE It has been confirmed; votes will now be counted at polling stations, following that the much anticipated Elections (Amendment) Bill 2023 and the Voters Registration Bill 2023 have officially been enacted into law.

The two pieces of legislation were tabled, debated in the 11th Parliament and got first to third reading from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Pholile Shakantu. Their enacting into law was communicated through different gazettes, dated August 8, 2023, assented to by His Majesty King Mswati III. The Elections Act 2023 is an Act to amend the Elections Act No. 6 of 2013, as to provide for the promotion of transparency, equity and credibility in the elections process and extension of special voting to other classes. The Voters Registration Act, 2023 is an Act to amend the Voters Registration Act No. 4 of 2013, to provide for continuous registration, revision of voters register, burden of proof in case of objections and incidental matters.

Enacting the Elections Bill into law means it is now official that bucopho nominated persons will know their fate in the secondary elections, rather than the primary elections, as the case was before. Section 7 of the principal Act was amended by inserting a new section immediately after Section 7, as follows; following acceptance of nomination, a candidate for bucopho shall proceed to be elected at the secondary level. Another outstanding amendment was in Section 64 of the principal Act, which was amended by replacing Subsection (1) with a new Subsection (1), as follows; the presiding officer after examining the election material shall make arrangements for counting of votes in consultation with returning officer, ensure that the ballot papers are unfolded with their backs facing upwards and shall proceed with counting of the votes at the polling station.

This means that the votes will not be taken to one centre for counting but the counting shall proceed at the polling station. Highlights of the amendments in the Voters Registration Bill include that there will be no role for competent witnesses (imisumpe) in the next election year, that is 2028.

This is in respect to Section 13 of the principal Act, which was amended by deleting Subsections (2) and (3) and replacing them with a new subsection, as follows; where registration takes place at umphakatsi, urban or industrial areas, a person applying for registration as a voter shall produce either (a) documentary proof of Eswatini citizenship and residence in Eswatini or (b) in the case of a foreign national, documentary proof of permanent residence issued under the immigration laws and document and proof of ordinary residence issued by a chiefdom or polling division under the inkhundla of residence. The enacting of the Bills into law, particularly the Elections Act, 2023, will give much wanted clarity to some of the electorate, who were wondering what law was being used in the ongoing national general elections, because the Bill had not yet got assent.

Scholarship loan applications to be approved by banks, MP Marwick Khumalo tells Lobamba Lomdzala residents.

Scholarship loan applications to be approved by banks, MP Marwick Khumalo tells Lobamba Lomdzala residents.

LOBAMBA LOMDZALA:Marwick Khumalo,the Lobamba Lomdzala Member of Parliament(MP)says Government scholarship loan applications will now be approved by banks.

The Lobamba Lomdzala MP was addressing and briefing close to two thousands(2000)residents of his Constituency on Saturday regarding some of the issues that they sent or asked him to address in Parliament.

"Scholarship loan applications will now be processed by banks the same way business proposals are funded by financial institutions.The banks will then forward the recommended names to the Scholarship Committe at the Ministry and successful applicants will be given twenty(20)years to pay back the money upon securing employment.If you want to settle the amount in less than twenty(20) years,you will pay 80% of the amount.This new arrangement will be open even to those who want to enhance their skills in vocational institutions,said the MP when briefing the residents.

The MP further touched on the issue of the Marriage Act,he said a man would be required to seek permission from his wife if he wanted to marry another wife.

But the MP said the Marriage Act is meeting some resistance and is more complicated hence those who are working on it asked to look at some of the issues before bringing it back to Parliament.

The MP then urged the residents to remain united regardless of their political affiliation and remember that they "are Swazi citizens and that should unify them.

MP Khumalo normally holds briefings with residents of his Constituency where they get an opportunity to share some of the issues that need to be addressed in Parliament.

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