Welcome to the Government Directory of eSwatini
The Government Directory is officially powered by Dotcom Africa (Pty) Ltd – We are Africa’s largest and most reputable publisher of business and government institutions since the year 2000.
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Since its inception in 2008, the Government Directory has been providing leaders and officials with a great insight to government and a platform for networking opportunities in eSwatini and beyond.
Inside you will find government institutions listed from A to Z by location and sector e.g. National Government (Ministries and Departments), National Institutions and Bodies, Municipalities, Provincial Government and Diplomatic Missions etc. Each profile consists of the organization’s name, a brief overview, vision and mission, contact persons, extension lists, email and website addresses, and photographs etc.
The aim of the Government Directory is to enhance local and international integration and to allow for better intra and inter governments’ communication, for example when hosting special events, summits, conferences, and indabas.
The Government Directory has been awarded gold status by the SADC and NEPAD as it now contains a segment on government contacts from 14 Southern African countries including Zambia, eSwatini, Lesotho, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Mozambique.
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